Other Stuff, Post Retirement, Uncategorized

A Relaxed Christmas, Mostly

I really meant to finish one of my posts and get it up before Christmas, but it didn’t happen. It got a little busier than I thought- it always does at some point during the Christmas season. This year was much slower paced than usual, thanks to my retirement, and half of the usual Christmas functions being cancelled. I honestly enjoyed Christmas more than I have in years. On the 26th of December, I didn’t wake up and think, “Well thank goodness THAT’s over for another year.” I haven’t even glared at the holiday mess in my house- decorations still up, presents that have not been put away, holiday treat containers still stacked on the kitchen counter, etc. I’ll fix it soon.

The whole thing was pretty nice actually, which tells me two things, 1. I am still enjoying the relaxed pace of retirement. 2. I’ve been going overboard for Christmas for a long time. It was nice missing some of the holiday obligations and festivals. Perhaps I do not have to attend them all. Christmas is more enjoyable without a function or party every single day of December.

This year I did not get behind on Christmas gift buying and wrapping. As a result I was able to think rationally about the whole thing, and not buy a bunch of things at the last minute. I had plenty of time to prepare and think about the family occasions, and I was able to plan ahead. I was ready with gifts wrapped and food prepared and boxed for the journey. That hasn’t happened since before I had kids. No panicked trips to the store or last minute appetizers, no gifts hastily shoved into gift bags.

I usually invite a few friends over after Church services on Christmas Eve for a bowl of homemade gumbo. This year almost no one went to Church, but my parents were staying over and a neighbor stopped by. It was lovely, and far less stressful than the usual gathering. I usually end up shouting at the boys who aren’t getting dressed fast enough, and being snippy with my husband because the guests will be here in 5 minutes, and EVERYTHING IS NOT READY. This year it didn’t matter, and the gathering was small, but relaxed and somehow more wonderful than usual. My family usually enjoys Christmas. This year I enjoyed it too!

I hope you all had a lovely holiday, and best wishes for a happy COVID-free 2021!

4 thoughts on “A Relaxed Christmas, Mostly”

  1. Happy holidays! I too realized that I’d been going overboard on Christmas and really cut back this year. I did not miss the family obligations, rushed pace, and never ending events either. I relished in the quiet of Christmas and hope to find ways to continue that into next year.

    1. Me too. I think some things will be permanently changed after the pandemic is gone, but I believe some people are desperate to get out of the house and resume life as it was. People seem to have short memories sometimes.

  2. I’m glad you’ve had a lovely Christmas time.
    Having worked overseas for many years, we’re used to spending Christmas away from our extended family, and always over-did the gifts to the kids as we subconsciously tried to compensate for this. I’m now trying to cut back, figuring that at 25 and 22 years old, our “kids” no longer need this (if they ever did). However, Sally is struggling with this concept…as I said to here before Christmas “right, I think we’ve got all the gifts” to which she replied “yes, or we could just keep getting some more”🤦‍♂️

    1. It’s hard to stop when your budget can stand it. We spent more than usual this Christmas too. Our boys (after watching every episode of Forged in Fire) asked for a forge, and blacksmith lessons. Ouch. They are having a wonderful time though. They have both given themselves blisters and we have a motley collection of scary looking knives!

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