
Two days to go…

I am a bundle of nerves. I leave for my 500 mile pilgrimage across Spain in 2 days. I have done everything, I think. I have packed my backpack about 14 times. I’ve weighed it again and again- its now 13.8 lbs, and I can’t seem to make it any lighter, even after discarding items that I’m not sure I’ll use. Part of the problem is that I haven’t ever done anything like this before and I don’t really know what I will need. I have read blogs and facebook groups for more information, and the problem with that, is that an essential item for one person is something that another person brought but never used.

I’ve finished my rather excessive training program- I’m told your body needs a few days rest to heal before an event. So a brief hike this morning and that was all. I have bunched all of my beloved houseplants into one place so my husband won’t forget to water any. I even gave an irreplaceable one to a gardener friend for safekeeping- you know, just in case. I sprayed my bag with a bed bug deterrent, and made a copy of my passport. I got a pilgrim blessing from my parish priest- I’m ready as I’ll ever be.

I went to the doctor a few days ago (because I had to wait until exactly one year had passed) and then only had only a few days to get my prescriptions. Normally this would not have presented a problem, but Murphy’s Law combined with the mess that is the US health system made for a stressful few days. There is a shortage of one of the medications and my usual pharmacy was unable to fill it. The pharmacy that had it, did not accept my insurance and it cost 3 times as much without coverage. The other prescription is covered, but only 1 month at a time, and I’m going to be gone more than a month, so I’ll need two fills of those. Its probably going to cost extra, but at this point it doesn’t matter. I have to have it and that’s that.

I have to tell you that as much as I like my backpack, I wish I had gotten one just a tad larger. I was excited and bought one based on size recommendations from pilgrims who walked before me. What I didn’t take into consideration is that if you walk in autumn or winter, you’re going to need more clothes, and a sleeping bag. Pilgrims who walk in the summer can pack more lightly, so they can take a smaller backpack. Everything fits in my pack, but I have to take things out to get what I need. If my pack were slightly larger, I might be able to rummage around in there without removing all of my stuff. On the other hand, taking extra stuff is not an option, and the pack does not extend behind my head, which I think would bother me.

I’m worried about getting my poles through security, but if I lose them, I can just buy a set there. I am concerned that by the time I finish in mid-October, I’m going to wish I had a pair of gloves. I can buy some on the way if I do. I’m ready, I think.

I will try to post a bit along the way, but I’m not taking my laptop, so expect those updates to be short. I’ll have to type them on my phone, and I’m terrible at that. I did collect a list of prayer intentions from my friends- those weigh nothing. I will be taking them with me to Santiago, If any of you would like a prayer said for a loved one, or a candle lit on the way to Santiago, let me know.

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