On Retiring, Uncategorized

Part time….

I had been going into work every day, and trying to work. On Monday I decided that this was ridiculous. I was doing a couple of hour’s worth of work, and trying not to be bored the rest of the day. So I told my assistant and the new broker in the office that I would be coming in at 9:30 and leaving around lunch. If they needed me for something I would attend to it then.

On Tuesday morning I picked blackberries before work. On Wednesday morning I worked out. Thursday morning I planned on doing a bit of gardening, but my oldest son requested breakfast, so I did that instead. After work I have done more garden chores, house chores, and planned my weekend. I got a box of plants I ordered in January and was delighted to get them. I put them in the ground same day!

I convinced my parents to come and visit this weekend. My parents are the safest people we could have over- they’ve already had Coronavirus and are 3 weeks from fever. That required shopping, cleaning, etc, all of which I had plenty of time for. I wasn’t completely stressed when they got here- I was drinking a glass of iced tea on the patio. We had a lovely relaxed visit- it was so good to hug my mom and dad.

Work went pretty well last week- when I arrived int the morning there was actually something TO DO. I left when I was supposed to and 2 out of the 4 days, I got phone calls, both of which could have been handled the next day. One of the issues HAD to be handled the next day because I couldn’t see what she was talking about. But I didn’t mind- it wasn’t a bother and I wasn’t stressed.

Two months ago I was pretty focused on getting retirement tasks done so I could be out of there forever. Then I was stressed because I couldn’t do them. I’m feeling better about this whole thing. Its certainly going to take longer than I’d planned, but I don’t mind going to the office for the limited time I’m there now.

Its less stressful because I’m no longer responsible for everything. Also, less time at the office means that I’m not in a hurry when I’m not there. I love that. Also, for the first time in 23 years, I’m not wearing heels and business clothes every day- jeans are so much more comfortable! When we can schedule client meetings again, I think I’m going to be a little more relaxed about it. I was hoping to be out for good by July, but this part-time stuff is pretty tolerable. It’ll be fine if I’m done by late fall.